Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bedazzled Bras && Hot Bandeau Tops

A lot of girls are getting into more risque fashions such as bandeau tops and, my favorite, bedazzled bras. There are the expensive bras and bandeau that you can buy off line, or at some boutique (i.e Urban Outfitters, Charlotte Russe, and H&M) or there are the wonderful advancements or technology that allows you the freedom to DIY.

(left: a plain black bandeau top/ right: a printed, puffed bandeau top)

(a link to a tutorial for a DIY twisted galaxy bandeau)

(top: hot pink bra adorned with hearts, pearls, ribbons, and Hello Kitty/ bottom: pastel pink bra decorated with jewels, hearts, Hello Kitty, My Little Pony, and other trinkets)

(a DIY tutorial on a disco-ball bra)


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